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    Lai Zhenyuan, Secretary of the Party committee and chairman of the board, was awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party"

    Time : 2021-07-02

    For 50 years, the initial heart is like a rock, and 50 years have accumulated. On the eve of July 1, Lai Zhenyuan, Secretary of the Party committee and chairman of the group, won the award issued by the CPC Central CommitteeCommemorative Medal of "50 years of glory in the party"。The continuous struggle and silent dedication spanning half a century are concentrated in heavy commemorative medals.

    Over the past 50 years, Lai Zhenyuan has always maintained loyalty and love for the party organization. He always stressed that without reform and opening up, there would be no opportunities for the establishment, coming out and development of Longyuan. Longyuan people thanked the party's leadership and the society that nurtured our enterprises.

    Under the leadership of Lai Zhenyuan, long Yuanren always insisted onThe enterprise spirit of "dedication, pragmatism, integrity and forge ahead", adhere to the party's leadership, adhere to people-oriented, bravely assume social responsibility, and practice the original intention and mission of Communists with practical work.

    Excellent performance be admitted to the Party on the firing line

    On November 28, 1967, a major national defense project (1425 project) personally approved by Chairman Mao started in Xiangshan. It was necessary to enlist a group of local construction migrant workers to help build auxiliary facilities. As the project is a military secret, the selected migrant workers not only require exquisite technology, but also require historical innocence and high revolutionary consciousness. Lai Zhenyuan was selected and also served as the commander-in-chief of migrant workers.

    At the national defense construction site, Lai Zhenyuan organized construction during the day and studied politics at night. The army commander in charge of the main construction of the national defense project felt that Lai Zhenyuan was very capable, so he often came to him to discuss and find solutions to some construction problems. On one occasion, when pouring concrete anchors, he encountered the technical problem of frequent formwork blasting. The class 8 carpenters specially invited by the army from the military factory could not solve it. As a result, Lai Zhenyuan solved it immediately. Since then, the army has increased its trust in Lai Zhenyuan. Whenever there are any construction problems, it will first find him.

    On another occasion, when repairing the wharf support foundation, because the cliffs were steep and close to the sea, it was difficult to pile and excavate, and the foundation was not done well for three months. As a result, Lai Zhenyuan used the soil method to finish the foundation in one month.In 1971, due to the flood, Ninghai Road reservoir collapsed, and the superior urgently mobilized the local garrison to rush for rescue. The 1425 national defense project sent a 400 person rescue team with Lai Zhenyuan as the leader of the "Mao Zedong thought propaganda team" to support it. He commanded the rescue during the day, drew pictures and calculated at night, and successfully completed the glorious task assigned by the army. During the construction of 1425 national defense project, Lai Zhenyuan helped the army solve many construction technical problems with the "four innovative processes" based on his knowledge, accumulated experience and intelligence. Therefore, he was praised by the East China Sea fleet.

    During the spring festival that year, the leaders of the commune came1425 national defense project supports the army. By the way, let's know the revolutionary performance of migrant workers. The leaders of the army strongly recommended Lai Zhenyuan to the leaders of the commune, evaluated his strong working ability and high ideological consciousness, and also received a notice of praise. Such activists should be allowed to join the party. When the commune leaders returned, they reported to the organization the opinions of the army leaders and Lai Zhenyuan's excellent performance in the construction of national defense projects. Soon, the superior leaders approved Lai Zhenyuan to join the party and appointed him Secretary of the Party branch of the migrant workers' team.

    The branch is built at the forefront

    In July 1995, Longyuan Group established the Party committee at the same time as the restructuring, which was initially under the management of the Organization Department of Xiangshan county Party committee. Later, Xiangshan County Construction Industry Administration Bureau, an industry competent department, was established in Xiangshan County, and the construction enterprise working committee of the Communist Party of China was established in 2004. Therefore, the Party committee of Longyuan Group became the secondary party organization of the Party Working Committee of Xiangshan County construction enterprises.

    Lai Zhenyuan said that the establishment of counterpart Party organizations can immediately let enterprises know the party's policies and guidelines, clarify the development direction of enterprises, and implement the requirements of superiors.

    在上世紀(jì)九十年代,賴振元就提出了把黨The branch is built at the forefront的做法。"Chairman Mao said that the branch was built on the company, and we should build the branch on the project."Party organizations are set up at the front line of the project to establish contact with local neighborhood committees. If the owner also pays more attention to Party construction, the party organizations of the project department participate in the interaction, which has played a good role in promoting communication in all aspects during the construction process.

    As early asFrom 2002 to 2003, Longyuan Group was constructing Haiyang apartment located in Qiqihar Road, Shanghai. In order to ensure the completion of the project on time and quality, the fourth party branch of Longyuan Group and the owner, Shanghai Maritime Real Estate Co., Ltd., carried out party construction, taking the activity of "creating four excellence" as the platform, It has launched a brand for Longyuan and trained project talents.

    Once, the project team encountered difficulties in the project construction of Shanghai University. Due to the tight time from the start of school, it was difficult for the members of the project department to complete the project on time under the existing conditions. Members of the second party branch of the project department put forward the difficulties of the project in their communication with other party branch members. Therefore, the other project departments where the Party branch is located extended a helping hand one after another, arranged their own spare personnel and materials, complemented each other, gave sufficient materials and manpower to the project Department of Shanghai University, and finally successfully completed the project and solved the difficulties.

    In the large-scale projects and difficult projects of Longyuan construction group, where there are difficulties and challenges, there will be a team of Party members. Give play to the backbone role of Party members, unite and unite party members, and give play to the leading role of Party branches in the most urgent construction period and the most difficult projects.

    Party building leads the creation of red construction site

    In recent years, the Party committee of Longyuan Group has been deepening under the leadership of Lai ZhenyuanThe new mode of "party construction + project" continuously promotes the construction of "red construction site" and extends the party construction work to the front line of construction. Many project departments also responded positively and established temporary party branches to promote project construction with Party construction and strive for excellence.

    A branch is a fortress; A party member is a flag.Hangzhou urban archives center construction project of the group cooperates with the Party branch to actively carry out service-orientedThe establishment of the "strongest branch" has played a surprise role of Party members. Focusing on the project construction, it has successively taken the lead in solving the difficulties of earthwork outward transportation, overcoming the technical problems of karst cave construction, improving the on-site civilization and standardization construction, and actively dealing with the surrounding neighborhood environment. It has successively won the "most beautiful site" in Hangzhou in 2019, the "strongest branch" of Hangzhou construction industry system in 2019, and the municipal construction commission in 2021 "Hundred years and hundred excellence" industry typical cases, honorary titles, etc.

    (the joint party branch of the construction project of urban archives center was awarded by the municipal construction commission"Hundred years and hundred excellence" industry typical cases (honorary title)

    Group roof resettlement houseThe temporary Party branch of PPP project actively plays the role of the fighting fortress of the branch, promotes production with Party construction, actively strives for an excellent site of provincial safety standardized management, and constantly strengthens project quality management. The project also introduces a smart party construction system, deeply carries out rich and meaningful party construction activities, and leads production and construction with Party construction. Recently, the PPP temporary Party branch of Tiantai resettlement house took the initiative to connect with Tiantai county The Shifeng sub district office of the people's government, the two committees of Yuhu Village (community) and the elderly association formed a condolences team dominated by Party members to visit 34 empty nesters.

    The Shipu passenger transport center project of the group is one of the first projects in Ningbo to participate in the construction industryFor the "six haves and one good" red construction site, through eight months of exploration and time, we have continuously consolidated the foundation of Party Construction by creating an atmosphere for Party construction, doing a good job in pairing and co construction, carrying out voluntary services, Party Day theme activities, etc. at the same time, we have continuously deepened "party construction +" by carrying out safety education activities, strengthening grass-roots governance and system standardization Article, continue to promote the high-quality construction of projects with high-quality party construction.

    The light of honor inspires the great power of struggle, and the spiritual fire of Communists has been renewed and shining for a long time. Lai Zhenyuan, Secretary of the Party committee and chairman of the group, was awardedCommemorative Medal of "50 years of glory in the party",為龍?jiān)h員隊(duì)伍樹(shù)立了鮮活的榜樣。龍?jiān)h員將時(shí)刻牢記入黨誓詞,以光榮的老黨員為鏡子,汲取砥礪奮進(jìn)的新力量,勇?lián)姑?,筑?mèng)前行。