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    Earnestly Strive to Implement -- Longyuan Group Holds 2022 Annual Work Conference

    Time : 2022-03-29

    two thousand and twenty-twoyearthreemonthtwenty-fiveLongyuan Group held thetwo thousand and twenty-twoyear度工作會議,總結回顧two thousand and twenty-oneyear工作,共同謀劃two thousand and twenty-twoyear新征程。

    This is the third online video work conference organized by the Group under the influence of the new coronal pneumonia epidemic. The meeting is set up in the group headquartersthreeWith branches across the countrytwenty-six個分會場,有近百名居家辦公的同事通過視頻連線參會,分會場和視頻參會人員為歷year最多。

    Lai Zhaohui: Do Real Work Struggle for success

    集團總裁賴朝暉在會上作year度工作報告。他指出,two thousand and twenty-oneyear外部環(huán)境挑戰(zhàn)較大,但是在全體龍元人的共同努力下,集團在two thousand and twenty-oneyear持續(xù)加強龍元生態(tài)協(xié)同,打造了諸多發(fā)展亮點:

    ?   The revenue of the traditional construction sector has grown rapidly, and many projects have won awards: the first "China Installation Star", the first provincial smart construction site demonstration project, and many provincial awards such as Magnolia and Qianjiang Cup. The overall completion rate of project collection has reached94%

    ?  & nbsp; Self developed by Long YuanmingzhuSThe system has become the first complete steel structure prefabricated residential system in the industry that has passed the evaluation of scientific and technological achievements of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development.

    ? PPPThe payment collection of the sector reached a new high. Longyuan Mingcheng, together with the ecological member units of Longyuan and the excellent external design, construction and operation units, successfully won the first bid of the GroupEPC+Oproject

    ?  & nbsp; Hangzhou Urban Investment&Construction Co., Ltd. made great efforts in the whole process of engineering consulting business and won the bidsix個未來社區(qū)全過程咨詢服務project

    ?   龍元天冊在山東落地了輕資產園區(qū)運營project

    ?  & nbsp; Mingshu Data has established a long-term service relationship with the headquarters of major central enterprises and financial institutions, providing all-round services of data, consulting and systems, with a promising development momentum.

    ?  & nbsp; Long Yuanshenghong&Longyuan Mingxing and other professional operation platforms not only better guaranteePPPThe operation and collection of the project have also actively tried market-oriented business and made good progress.

    ?  & nbsp; The Group actively develops photovoltaic business: it has cooperated with some leading photovoltaic enterprises and signed a cooperation agreement on investment and development of photovoltaic new energy with both places.

    Lai Chaohui pointed out that in the future, the Group will continue to focus on its main business and deeply cultivate the field of construction and infrastructure. In the long run, we still need to rely on the Group's own resources and advantages, grasp the industry development trend, and walk out of a new development path with Longyuan characteristics.

    The meeting made it clear that the Group decided to promote the upgrading and transformation of its organizational structure, and set up three major sectors, namely, EPC, green building and infrastructure investment, on the basis of the existing business sectors. Among them, the green building sector is the integration and upgrading of Longyuan Mingzhu, Dadi Steel Structure and Xin'an Curtain Wall, the three ecological units of Longyuan, and the core platform of the Group's leading architectural technology research and development, product sales and service output for future layout, focusing on the two businesses of prefabricated buildings and photovoltaic construction integration. Each of the three business segments has its own focus and cooperates with each other to jointly achieve the long-term development goal of the Group, which is deeply rooted in infrastructure and construction and constantly improving its competitiveness.

    two thousand and twenty-twoyear,集團確定了“真抓實干,Struggle for success”作為今year的八字工作指導思想,研究確定了集團two thousand and twenty-twoyear十大工作目標,全體龍元人將全力以赴迎接挑戰(zhàn)、克服困難,破冰前行。

    Speech by the representative: down-to-earth Forge ahead

    At the meeting, representatives of all lines and subsidiaries of the Grouptwo thousand and twenty-oneyear度工作進行了總結回顧,闡述了two thousand and twenty-twoyear工作思路。

    vice president Dai Ying:The business line should be localized and deeply rooted in the market, adhere to independent operation and direct project operation, take various measures to attract and retain high-quality contractors, improve business structure and improve business quality. On the basis of risk control in the whole process, timely confirm the completed output value and accelerate the completion settlement process.

    vice president Luo Yongfu:The engineering line will betwo thousand and twenty-twoyear做好團隊建設、項目策劃、過程管控、協(xié)同工作、考核評價五方面工作,提升綜合管控能力,發(fā)揮分公司關鍵作用,以項目管理標準化為抓手,提高協(xié)同工作質量和效率,實現(xiàn)工程項目順利履約。

    Chief Financial Officer Xiao Jianwu:財務條線將在新一year著重開展項目收支現(xiàn)金流管理、全面業(yè)務預算管理、財務風險預防管控以及條線服務與監(jiān)管四方面工作,做好資產分類分析、風險評估,不斷建立和完善項目各類財務風險預警機制。

    vice president Wang Dehua:總承包管理公司在新的一year里將全力開拓傳統(tǒng)業(yè)務,對分公司和直營板塊加強制度宣貫和培訓力度,加大對分公司直營團隊的支持力度,加強引導,調整激勵機制,加強和分公司之間的聯(lián)動和協(xié)作。

    vice president Meng Xuming:The Investment Department willtwo thousand and twenty-twoyear狠抓基建投資板塊現(xiàn)金流,謀求現(xiàn)金流自平衡,重點關注year度計劃項目收尾工作,加強建設運營過程中的成本控制,加強存量項目現(xiàn)金流優(yōu)化調整,繼續(xù)探索事業(yè)合伙人制度。投資部將持續(xù)盤活集團存量資產,加強對子公司的系統(tǒng)性管理和協(xié)同經(jīng)營。

    vice president、董事會秘書 Zhang Li:Promote the adjustment of the group's organizational structure, optimize the organizational model, establish and improve the management mechanism and system of traditional construction sector customer rating, project department rating, branch assessment and incentive, strengthen the management of the whole process of objectives, comprehensively improve the execution, strictly implement performance appraisal, and strengthen the overall budget management.

    General Manager of Legal Department Song Chengxin:法務部將在今year繼續(xù)加強法務體系建設,優(yōu)化配置崗位人員,完善管理體系完善風險防范,加強訴訟管理,嚴密合同審核,繼續(xù)加強法務條線常規(guī)培訓,力爭為集團減損創(chuàng)效。

    Assistant to President, General Manager of Ningbo Branch Lin Shengmin:Ningbo Branch willtwo thousand and twenty-twoyear將腳踏實地履約,確保在建工程順利實施,繼續(xù)拓展業(yè)務,做好傳統(tǒng)業(yè)務承接主力軍,做好清收清欠工作,對標卓越,為事業(yè)合伙機制試點示范。

    Chairman of Dadi Steel StructurePei Chuanfei:Dadi Steel Structure will continue to develop a leading enterprise in the steel structure industry with the characteristics of steel structure and curtain wall and large scale industrial production capacity, and will vigorously develop the general contracting of construction with steel structure as the main body, becoming the core construction carrier of the group's prefabricated buildings, and together with Longyuan Mingzhu and Xin'an Curtain Wall, promote the upgrading of the group's green building sector.

    Commending the advanced: setting a benchmark Courageously first

    two thousand and twenty-oneyear,龍元涌現(xiàn)了一批表現(xiàn)突出的個人和單位,他們在自己的崗位上以身作則,獲得了集團的肯定。會議對two thousand and twenty-oneyear度十佳優(yōu)秀經(jīng)理、優(yōu)秀項目經(jīng)理、優(yōu)秀新人以及各優(yōu)秀單位進行了表彰。

    集團常務vice president錢水江在會上講話。他表示,眼前的困難是暫時的,龍元的平臺是大家的平臺,希望領導干部發(fā)揚龍元精神,帶領團隊敢打敢拼。各條線、三大板塊也要做好分工合作,協(xié)同作戰(zhàn)。督導辦也將和各條線配合,深入基層,對作風建設、工作執(zhí)行力進行督察。錢水江相信,只要全體龍元人上下一條心,直面矛盾,振作精神,真抓實干,共同解決難題,一定會度過難關。

    Lai Zhaohui made a concluding speech. He congratulated the departments and individuals who were commended and hoped that they could make persistent efforts and continue to contribute to the development of the Group. For the next step of work, Lai Chaohui put forward three requirements: first, we should do a good job in the reform of subsidiaries, and promote the upgrading and transformation of the group's overall business network according to the needs of the market. Second, the subsidiary companies should do a good job of cooperation, increase the depth of cooperation, increase the breadth of cooperation, and increase the frequency of exchanges. Third, continue to cultivate Longyuan ecology, and realize mutual support and mutual assistance of the three sectors. Lai Chaohui said that he hoped that with the joint efforts of all of us, we would go all out to find the right direction and walk out of the development path with the characteristics of Longyuan.

    two thousand and twenty-twoyear度工作會議令人振奮,催人奮進。龍元人將以“真抓實干,Struggle for success”八字方針為指導思想,圍繞year度工作十大目標,腳踏實地,齊心協(xié)力,迎難而上,勇于突破,為推動集團更高質量的發(fā)展而不懈奮斗!