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    Play the "Main Melody" of safety ? Longyuan Construction Group undertakes the theme activities of "Safety Production Month" in many places

    Time : 2022-06-27

    "Abide by the safety production law and be the first responsible person".sixThe month oftwenty-oneLongyuan Construction Group has recently undertaken a number of "Safety Production Month" themed activities in Ningbo, Wenzhou, Jiande and other places, striving to become a benchmark for safety enterprises, which has set off a boom in the publicity of the Group's "Safety Production Month" theme.

    Science and technology help to create high-quality projects

    sixmonthtwenty-threeOn the afternoon of,two thousand and twenty-twoIn, Xiangshan Construction Project Safety and Quality Management Site Observation Meeting and "Smart Construction Site" Site Observation Meeting were held in Longyuan Construction Xiangshan Shipu Passenger Transport Center Project Department. Zhou Jiandong, member of the Standing Committee of Xiangshan County Party Committee and deputy county head, Cai Zhennian, deputy director of the county government office, Xu Yingfeng, director of the County Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, Yu Yongshun, deputy director of the County Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, relevant government functional departments, and leaders in charge of each township and sub district attended and observed at the main venue. Heads of development, supervision, and construction enterprises in Xiangshan and relevant management personnel watched through video at each sub venue. Lin Shengmin, President Assistant of Longyuan Construction Group and General Manager of Ningbo Branch, attended the meeting and gave a speech to exchange experience.

    Lin Shengmin spoke on behalf of Longyuan Construction Group. He introduced the company's development history and business status, experience and practices in project quality management, safe production, civilized construction, and smart site construction, as well as the company's future development prospects, and expressed his sincere gratitude to the competent departments at all levels and all sectors of society for their careful guidance and strong support.

    Xu Yingfeng, Director of Xiangshan County Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, talked about the field of construction engineering at the meeting“安全生產(chǎn)month”活動的安排,以及如何抓好建筑工程安全生產(chǎn)、文明施工“樹標桿學(xué)標桿”活動,工程質(zhì)量通病防治工作提出具體要求。

    He pointed out that the county party committee and the county government will take the standardization of construction project quality and construction safety and civilization as an important measure to promote scientific development and an important part of building a national civilized city. He hoped that all participating units in the county would actively promote the management of quality and safety standardization, constantly consolidate the foundation of project quality and safety, grasp quality and safety supervision, hidden danger investigation, and long-term prevention, and use the idea of development The reform method and innovative spirit guide all work, strive to form a scientific and effective operation and management mechanism, and make new and greater contributions to improving the standardization level of construction management in the county.

    Xiangshan Shipu Passenger Transport CenterPPPTaking digital construction as an opportunity, the project uses digital intelligence management to control safety and strengthen quality. The project site is equipped with a visual monitoring system, which uses tower crane monitoring, visual hook, video monitoring and early warning, construction elevator face recognition and safety monitoring systemsVRAnd other technologies to carry out all-round real-time control on the project site and improve the efficiency of project management.

    The participants observed the quality sample exhibition area, safety experience area, floor observation area, etc. of the project construction site, and fully understood the project quality and safety management, civilized construction andThe application of "smart construction site", learning the excellent practices and experience of the project.

    The successful holding of this observation activity is the recognition and support of the hometown government to Longyuan Construction Group. As the representative of the construction enterprises in Xiangshan County, we will continue to do a solid job in safety production, create high-quality projects, shoulder social responsibilities, and provide assistance for the construction of our hometown and the development of the construction industry.

    "Red" leads to promote safe production

    sixmonth1sixDay,two thousand and twenty-two年洞頭區(qū)建筑工地“安全生產(chǎn)month”暨“紅色工地”現(xiàn)場觀摩活動在龍元建設(shè)集團“洞頭區(qū)人民醫(yī)院改擴建工程暨區(qū)公共衛(wèi)生服務(wù)中心大樓建設(shè)項目(EPC)The construction site of Phase I was successfully held.

    This observation meeting was jointly sponsored by Wenzhou Dongtou District Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau and Wenzhou Dongtou Urban Development Co., Ltd., undertaken by Longyuan Construction Group Co., Ltd., and co organized by Zhejiang Huajie Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. and Wenzhou Ren'an Construction Co., Ltd. Region widethirtySeveral construction enterprisesone hundredMore than project leaders and project managers from the construction, supervision and construction companies were present. Pan Shangxuan, Deputy General Manager of Wenzhou Branch of Longyuan Construction Group, on behalf of the project construction unit and construction unit, made an exchange speech on safety production and other contents.

    Xiao Xiaoqiang, deputy head of Dongtou District, made a speech at the observation meeting, emphasizing the importance of work safety. He hoped that the project builders in the whole district would deepen the implementation of safety responsibilities, firmly build the foundation of work safety, deeply understand the law of safety, strictly abide by the bottom line of work safety, make every effort to build a happy city for Dongtou people, and present excellent achievements to the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China!

    The delegates visited the quality sample exhibition area, safety experience area, floor observation area, etc. at the project construction site, and exchanged views on the creation of red construction site, which was unanimously recognized by relevant government departments and industry colleagues in Dongtou District.

    Practical drills to strengthen the security line

    sixmonthtwenty-twoOn the morning of,two thousand and twenty-two年建德市安全生產(chǎn)活動month暨防汛排澇演練在龍元建設(shè)集團承建的更樓街道南方產(chǎn)業(yè)園搬遷安置房工程舉行。本次活動由建德市住建局主辦,龍元建設(shè)集團承辦。建德市住建局質(zhì)量安全監(jiān)督站站長嚴健強出席會議并講話。龍元建設(shè)集團浙江分公司副總經(jīng)理夏柏生代表集團向與會嘉賓介紹了集團的發(fā)展歷程及項目情況。

    The flood control and waterlogging drainage drill was conducted by means of competitionfourEach construction company sent a team to participate in the competition. Under the command of the drill commander in chief, the flood control and waterlogging drainage drill competition is conducted by timing. stay1#Building andtwo#The two garage ramps of the building are divided separatelytwoGroup piling50CMHigh flood prevention dike, and then use pumping equipment for drainage.fourIn the competition, the participating teams demonstrated their excellent emergency response ability and teamwork ability, and resolved the crisis in the shortest time. This competition exercise effectively strengthened risk management and control and early warning of hidden dangers, improved the operability and emergency response ability of the plan, accumulated experience in dealing with emergencies, and achieved the expected goals.

    After the meeting, the leaders and observers visited the project model area, the safety experience area, the project safety market and the party building activity room in groups to learn more about the project quality and safety control methods and the excellent practices of party building leading project development.

    All along, Longyuan Construction Group has been tightening the string of safety production, firmly establishing the bottom line thinking and red line awareness, and playing a full role in safety“主旋律”。集團將以“安全生產(chǎn)month”為契機,繼續(xù)筑牢安全生產(chǎn)理念,推動工程安全質(zhì)量管理抓實抓深,全面夯實項目管理基石,打造更多精品工程。