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    Long Yuantian won the bid for the marketing operation and procurement project of Moganshan Talent Service Center

    Time : 2022-11-25

    On November 17, Deqing County Public Resources Trading Center released the Announcement of Zhejiang Tianping Investment Consulting Co., Ltd. on the Transaction Results of the Marketing Operation Procurement Project of Moganshan Talent Service Center, an ecological member of Longyuan Construction GroupLong Yuantian Booklet, as the bid winner, is responsible for the industrial space operation of Moganshan Talent Service Center, talent and project recruitment, talent innovation and entrepreneurship training, talent home management and operation, talent service activities, brand building of Moganshan Talent Service Center, etc.

    Project introduction

    Moganshan Talent Service CenterThe project is located in the core area of Deqing Science and Technology City, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, focusing onFacing the innovation elements of the Yangtze River Delta, based on Deqing's industrial foundation Covering the whole life cycle of talent service”Three characteristics to build a global talent pool in Deqing.

    Long Yuantian Book will focus on construction“Talent introduction, talent service and talent empowerment”的重要窗口,致力于把Moganshan Talent Service Center打造為集Talent introduction, talent display, entrepreneurship incubation, talent cultivation and talent serviceIntegrated innovation and entrepreneurship platform to create an influential DeqingIntroduce talents, serve talents and empower talentsQuality engineering.

    Long Yuantian Booklet is a professional industrial operator and national high-tech enterprise. It focuses on the planning and design, investment construction and investment attraction operation of industrial parks, and has built an industrial life cycle service system for industrial cultivation, industrial acceleration, industrial investment attraction and industrial services, creating an innovative industrial ecosystem.

    TC TECH HUB is a collection ofThe scientific and technological innovation and talent service platform integrating enterprise cultivation, talent service, cross-border acceleration and scientific and technological innovation will connect the limited industrial carriers with unlimited scientific and technological innovation and talent introduction, build a development model led by scientific and technological innovation and driven by talent introduction, and build an innovation incubation system through the technology, fund, talent and space four body linkage model, enabling regional industrial upgrading and innovative development.
    The team of Tiance Innovation Center has successfully operated a number of talent carriers and scientific innovation enclaves, focusing on the introduction of talents, the implementation and acceleration of scientific and technological innovation and technical services, enabling industrial innovation with science and technology, and leading innovative development with talents.