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    Long Yuantian organized the Fudan EMBA Entrepreneur Group to enter "Yun'an Town"

    Time : 2023-04-07

    fourmonthtwoOn the day, the representative work of the fourth generation industrial park created by Longyuan, "Yun'an Town," welcomed a professional dialogue. Long Yuantianshu organized representatives of domestic semiconductor industry enterprises and Fudan UniversityEMBAEntrepreneur groups, etceightyMore than one entrepreneur walked into Yun'an Town and had in-depth exchanges around the current development status and future direction of China's semiconductor industry.

    Fudan UniversityEMBAEntrepreneur Group Enters Yun'an Town, Dialogue on Science and Technology Innovation "Core" Future "Activity, Organized by Entrepreneurs from the School of Management of Fudan Universitytwo1levelBClass, Fudan UniversityEMBAtwotwolevelthreeClasstwo0levelthreeClass, jointly organized by the Management Committee of Qingshan Lake Science and Technology City and Yun'an Town. The event was hosted by Zhao Wenqi, General Manager of Longyuan Tianci Investment Development Center.

    Yun'an Town is located on the bank of Qingshan Lake in Lin'an, Hangzhou, and is jointly invested and constructed by Longyuan Group and Lin'an Qingshan Lake Science and Technology City. Total planned area of the projecttwo.8Square kilometers is an open innovation platform and entrepreneurial base with network and information security as industry characteristics.

    Project toWith the development concept of "smart city" and "garden office", the town integrates a variety of businesses and perfect living facilities into the town, making it not only a headquarters economic park of Silicon Valley type and ecotype type, but also a livable community function, building a natural, ecological and humanistic mountain near Qingshan LakeOffice Park。 The project is built in a one-stop manner from planning and design to construction delivery by the Longyuan ecosystem. The project was awarded thetwo01sixGolden Award for Residential Ecological Architecture, Hangzhou Characteristic Town,two019World Chinese Architecture Creation Excellence Award and other awards.

    Huang Yin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Qingshanhu Science and Technology City, made an opening speech and made a promotion of Qingshanhu Science and Technology City. As the bridgehead of Hangzhou, the main platform of development, and the main engine of innovation, Qingshanhu Science and Technology City is the only platform to undertake the layout of advanced manufacturing industries in the western Hangzhou Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, and is striving to create a source of innovation.

    Wang Ping, Assistant to the President of Longyuan Construction and General Manager of Longyuan Tianshu, gave a speech to everyone at Fudan UniversityEMBAWe warmly welcome the arrival of our classmates. She said that today's event in Yun'an Town has special significance asGsix0Science and Technology Innovation Corridor and Hangzhou West Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, a Silicon ValleystyleThe small town of Yun'an is very suitable for the theme of this Hangzhou Science and Technology Innovation Tour.

    from one thousand nine hundred and fifty-sixIn, semiconductor technology was listed as an important national scientific and technological project, and the growth path of "China Chip" has already passedsixty-sevenIn the year of, this journey contains hope, confidence, perseverance, innovation, and hard work, and these five words are also the growth path of Yun'an Town. As the best practice work of Longyuan Green Town, after experiencing1four年開發(fā),from曾經的鄉(xiāng)間村舍,到今天青山綠水中的森林硅谷,云安團隊一直保有匠心精神、堅持高質量發(fā)展,才有了今天蔚然成型的風貌。下個十年,相信云安小鎮(zhèn)會成為更加具有活力和科技元素的小鎮(zhèn)。

    Professor Qian Shizheng from the School of Management at Fudan University“中美競爭格局之關鍵——from臺積電案例看科創(chuàng)戰(zhàn)略之重要”的主題進行了主旨演講。他表示stay科技驅動創(chuàng)造價值的時代,一個企業(yè)的價值取決于其所處生態(tài)的位置,芯片之爭的本質是科技之爭,國家發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略之爭。

    stayRoundtable Dialogue on Future Innovation and Development of "Core", from domestic automotive electronic intelligence, semiconductor key equipment manufacturingAIIndustry, as well as scientific instrument manufacturing, semiconductor equipment and component manufacturing, semiconductor industry venture capital and other industriessix位企業(yè)家代表各抒己見,同與會來賓就各自所stay領域發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀,以及國際形勢下中國半導體產業(yè)未來的機遇與挑戰(zhàn)進行深入交流,錢世政教授做了專業(yè)的總結和點評。

    此次活動stay云安小鎮(zhèn)成功舉辦,是龍元Another beautiful practice of the vision of "builders of a beautiful city, operators of a happy life". Longyuan will continue to focus on the main businesses of construction and infrastructure, promote the coordinated development of the three business sectors of general contracting, green building, and infrastructure investment, actively explore and innovate, and create more representative cases.