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    Longyuan Construction: Build a high-quality resettlement community and open a happy life for the resettled households

    Time : 2022-07-21

    The renewal and development of a city carries the people's yearning for a better life. The construction of the resettlement community is a footnote to improve the functional quality of Guangxin District, accelerate the pace of urban organic renewal, and respond to the needs of the people.

    At present, how is the construction progress of Hexingjiayuan Resettlement Community in Guangxin District undertaken by Longyuan Construction Group? What are the characteristics of the resettlement community? The reporter made a field visit.

    Accommodation Hold up the dream of living in peace

    The construction of resettlement community is a major livelihood project and popular support project that affects the vital interests of thousands of households. In recent years, the Guangxin District Party Committee and the District Government adhere to the people centered development idea, focus on improving the quality of life of the masses, and pay attention to the construction of resettlement areas with high quality and high standards to further enhance the sense of happiness, acquisition and satisfaction of the masses.

    According to Guo Wenhao, deputy manager of the engineering department of Guangxin District Urban Investment Group, Shangrao City, there are four resettlement communities under construction in Guangxin District, namely Hexing Jiayuan, Liaojia, Hudun and Xiashan. The total planned building area exceedseightyone0000 square meters. total investmentthirty-threeRMBone00mn Of which, the total planned building area of Hexing Homeland Resettlement Communityforty-oneMore than one0000 square meters, contract costnine point two fiveRMBone00mn

    The resettlement community project is a major livelihood project, which places people's expectations for a better life in the futureidea+workmanship+superviseThe construction management of Longyuan Construction Group, a leading enterprise in the industry, will improve the construction quality of resettlement housing projects from an all-round perspective, not only to let the massesplace, let themSettle down。把有品質(zhì)的place房交付到他們手中。廣信區(qū)和興家園place小區(qū)項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理王欣如是說道。

    努力makeplace房典范工程 不斷提升place房品質(zhì)

    sevenmonthtwelve日上午,在廣信區(qū)城南新區(qū)的和興家園place小區(qū)項(xiàng)目施工現(xiàn)場,各類大型機(jī)械開足馬力,一輛輛大卡車運(yùn)著材料駛進(jìn)施工場地,工人們馬不停蹄地?fù)屪r間節(jié)點(diǎn),高峰期,每天施工人員超five hundredMore than.

    廣信區(qū)和興家園place小區(qū)項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理王欣向記者介紹,和興家園place小區(qū)項(xiàng)目地塊位于廣信區(qū)城南新區(qū),交通便利。由龍元建設(shè)集團(tuán)股份有限公司施工。合同造價為nine point two fiveRMB one00 million, the contract duration isthreeYears. The total area of planned land isone0sixfourtwothreesquare meter(aboutfifteen9.sixthreeMu), the total planned building area isforty-onetwenty-sixthirty-threesquare meter,主要建筑物為fifteenResidential building(among:twoBuildingtwentyLayerfourBuildingtwenty-twoLayerthreeBuildingtwenty-sixLayersixBuildingthree0layer)、twoBuilding配套商業(yè)房、oneBuilding幼兒園、twoBuilding村委會。地下室一layer,地下建筑面積為:sevensevenseven59.fourtwosquare meter,停車位總共two58oneNo., total residential area:three09threesixfour.seventwosquare meter,總戶數(shù)為:twofourtwofourHousehold, area of supporting kindergartens:thirty-three5three.threeonesquare meter,twoTotal area of village committees:threetwotwelve.88square meter,商業(yè)面積為:oneonesix8one.08square meter。

    It is understood that Longyuan Construction Group entered the Shanghai construction market in the 1980s. At present, the Group is headquartered in Shanghai,twenty0fouryearfourmonth在上海證券交易所成功上市(Stock codesix00four9one)。 The Group has special qualification for general contracting of construction projects and five first level qualifications for general contracting of municipal public works, general contracting of mechanical and electrical works, specialized contracting of foundation works, specialized contracting of building decoration works and specialized contracting of ancient building projects;Zhejiang Dadi Steel Structure(Grade I qualification for steel structure construction)Xin'an Curtain Wall(Grade I qualification for professional contracting of curtain wall works)With subsidiaries such as Shanghai Housing and Architectural Design Institute, it is a large construction group company that can independently undertake large and difficult projects such as industrial, civil, municipal, transportation and water conservancy projects.

    Registered capital of the companyfifteentwo9seven5.810000 yuan, total assetssixseven0RMBone00mn連續(xù)二十七year名列上海市進(jìn)滬施工企業(yè)綜合實(shí)力排名前兩位,最近十六year連續(xù)排名第一,現(xiàn)為浙江省重點(diǎn)骨干企業(yè)、上海市優(yōu)秀企業(yè)、全國質(zhì)量管理優(yōu)秀企業(yè)、全國用戶滿意企業(yè)、全國優(yōu)秀建筑企業(yè),為上海市建筑業(yè)協(xié)會、浙江省建筑行業(yè)協(xié)會和中國建筑行業(yè)協(xié)會副會長單位。


    makeThis place is my hometown's commitment

    讓拆遷群眾早日住進(jìn)新居,保障place小區(qū)的居住環(huán)境,makeThis place is my hometown的城南新區(qū)生活,是政府和建設(shè)者們's commitment。采訪中,上饒市廣信區(qū)城投集團(tuán)工程部副經(jīng)理郭文豪和廣信區(qū)和興家園place小區(qū)項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理王欣都不about而同表達(dá)上述觀點(diǎn)。

    沒想到工地推進(jìn)得那么快,政府很重視place房的建設(shè),很照顧我們place戶的感受。我和家人對place房建設(shè)充滿了期待,希望可以早點(diǎn)住進(jìn)新房。During the interview, Mr. Hu said excitedly to the reporter.

    廣信區(qū)和興家園place小區(qū)項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理王欣說:Next, under the unified deployment of urban investment and other departments, we will continue to increase the investment in human resources, machinery and equipment, adhere to the quality and safety as the core orientation, earnestly implement various measures, form a good atmosphere of practical work, and bring people back to life as soon as possibleSettle down夢。

    上饒市廣信區(qū)城投集團(tuán)工程部副經(jīng)理郭文豪告訴記者,實(shí)業(yè)是命脈,實(shí)干是基礎(chǔ)。保障和改善民生沒有終點(diǎn)。廣信區(qū)和興家園place小區(qū)建設(shè)將持續(xù)把握好People's expectationsthiscompass,始終以更加創(chuàng)新的idea、更加務(wù)實(shí)的舉措,多解民生之憂,多謀民生之利,讓每一位城南新區(qū)居民的生活都更加便利、幸福、美滿。

    民以居為安,居住舒適度是美好生活的底色。place房的建設(shè)及管理,在廣信區(qū)和興家園的個中轉(zhuǎn)變、向城而生中扮演著重要角色。該區(qū)努力makeplace房典范工程,不斷提升place房品質(zhì),讓placebecomeSettle downWe will continue to write a new chapter of beautiful Guangxin, which will surely improve the people's sense of gain and happiness.