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    Ministry of Housing and Construction: This year we will carry out a pilot project of steel structure assembly housing construction!

    Time : 2019-04-09

    Recently, "Key Work Points of the Construction Market Supervision Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction in 2019" was officially issued. In 2019, the reform in key areas of construction industry is unprecedented.

    Among them, the first article clearly put forward: to promote the reform of key areas of construction industry and promote the transformation and upgrading of construction industry. Pilot projects of steel-structured assembling residential buildings will be carried out. Select some areas to carry out pilot projects, clarify the objectives, tasks and safeguards of the pilot work, and steadily promote the pilot work. Promote the landing of pilot projects. In the construction of affordable housing, assembly-type housing and the transformation of rural dangerous houses and the relocation of poverty alleviation in the pilot areas, it is clear that a certain proportion of engineering projects adopt steel structure assembly-type construction, track the progress of pilot projects, improve relevant supporting policies, and promote the establishment of mature steel structure assembly. Type residential construction system.

    The original text is as follows:

    Circular on the Key Points of the Work of the Construction Market Supervision Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction in 2019

    Comprehensive Letter of Establishment [2019]9

    The Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Departments of the provinces and autonomous regions, the Housing and Urban-Rural Construction (Management) Committee of the municipality directly under the Central Government, the Beijing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Committee, the Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Bureau of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and the Department of Construction of the relevant departments of the State Council (Bureau):

    Now I will issue to you the Key Points of Work of the Construction Market Supervision Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction in 2019. Please arrange the supervision of the construction market this year according to the actual situation of the region and the department.

    Annex: Key Work Points of the Construction Market Supervision Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction in 2019

    Department of Construction Market Supervision, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction of the People's Republic of China

    11 March 2019

    (This is voluntarily disclosed)

    Key Work Points of the Construction Market Supervision Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction in 2019

    In 2019, under the guidance of the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the supervision of the construction market will thoroughly implement the spirit of the General Secretary's important instructions on housing and urban and rural construction, comprehensively implement the spirit of the Nineteenth Congress of the CPC and the Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the CPC, and resolutely implement the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council In accordance with the requirements of the National Conference on Housing and Urban-Rural Construction, we should adhere to the people-centered development idea, strive for progress steadily, reform and innovation, and take responsibility for it. We should focus on promoting the reform in key areas of the construction industry and take deepening the reform of the "release of control clothing" in the construction industry as the main line to promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry and technological progress in an all-round way. Quality and benefit of construction industry development.

    1. Promoting the reform of key areas of construction industry and promoting the transformation and upgrading of construction industry

    (1) Pilot projects of steel-structured assembled housing construction shall be carried out. Select some areas to carry out pilot projects, clarify the objectives, tasks and safeguards of the pilot work, and steadily promote the pilot work. Promote the landing of pilot projects. In the construction of affordable housing, assembly-type housing and the transformation of rural dangerous houses and the relocation of poverty alleviation in the pilot areas, it is clear that a certain proportion of engineering projects adopt steel structure assembly-type construction, track the progress of pilot projects, improve relevant supporting policies, and promote the establishment of mature steel structure assembly. Type residential construction system.

    (2) Deepening the reform of the bidding system for projects. We will improve the bidding supervision system, study and draft suggestions on Further Strengthening the supervision of bidding for housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects, further expand the autonomy of bidders and simplify the bidding procedures. Innovating the supervision mode of bidding and tendering, and promoting the pilot work of electronic bidding and tendering. We should strengthen supervision over the whole process of bidding, strengthen supervision over the performance of contracts after bidding, and curb illegal bidding practices.

    (3) Improving the organizational model of Engineering construction. We will accelerate the implementation of general contracting for projects, promulgate the Measures for the Management of General Contracting for Housing Construction and Municipal Infrastructure Projects, and revise the model text of general contracting for projects. Developing the whole process engineering consultation, promulgating the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development of the whole process engineering consultation service, and studying and formulating the technical standards and contract model texts of the whole process engineering consultation service. Promote the pilot project of architect responsibility system and play a leading role in architectural design consultation.

    (4) Reforming the employment system in construction. Expanding the pilot scope of construction industry workers training demonstration base, and improving the mechanism of construction industry workers cultivation, use, evaluation and incentive. We will study and formulate reform plans for the construction industry workforce construction in the new era and strengthen top-level design. Promote the transformation of construction labor enterprises, develop professional enterprises, and gradually realize the corporatization and specialized management of construction workers. We will intensify the implementation of real-name management, implement the "Measures for the Management of Construction Workers'Real-name System (Trial Implementation)", improve the information platform for national construction workers' management services, and improve the informatization level of real-name management.

    2. Deepening the Reform of "Dressing Clothing" in Construction Industry and Optimizing the Business Environment of Enterprises

    (1) Optimizing market access mechanisms. We will implement the decision-making arrangements of the Central Committee of the Party and the State Council to support the reform and development of private enterprises, promote the implementation of the "Notice of the Office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban and Rural Construction on Supporting the Development of Private Construction Enterprises", and build a unified, open and orderly market environment. We will further simplify the setting of enterprise qualification categories and grades and reduce the number of declaration materials. We will continue to promote the examination and approval of the qualification notification commitment system for construction enterprises, expand the scope of the examination and approval of the notification commitment system, and initiate pilot projects for the examination and approval of the qualification notification commitment system for construction supervision enterprises. Vigorously implement the "Internet +" government services, and implement "one-stop" online approval. Revision of the "Measures for the Management of Construction Permits for Construction Projects", study and adjust the standard of project investment and construction area quota, and further relax the requirements for construction permit processing.

    (2) Improving the registration and practice system. To study and adjust the general framework of the system of registered engineers for survey and design, and improve the professional system of registered engineers for survey and design. To formulate regulations on the professional qualification system of supervisory engineers and improve the system of supervisory engineers. To revise the regulations on the management of registered engineers and registered builders in survey and design, further improve and improve the examination, registration and continuing education system, and implement the professional responsibility of registered personnel. Promote the renewal of the National Registered Architects Management Committee and the National Commission for Registered Engineers in Survey and Design, and improve the management system of registered architects and registered engineers in Survey and Design.

    (3) To improve the credit and guarantee system of the construction market. We will speed up the improvement of the joint punishment mechanism for dishonesty in the construction market and promote the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation on Joint Punishment for the main bodies responsible for dishonesty in the construction market. We will improve the credit records of all parties in the construction market and implement the blacklist system in the construction market. We will improve the public service platform for supervision of the national construction market, improve the data quality of the platform, and promote data integration and open sharing. We will accelerate the implementation of the project guarantee system and issue the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Implementation of the Project Guarantee System for Housing Construction and Municipal Infrastructure Projects. We will accelerate the implementation of alternative forms of bank guarantees, continue to clean up and standardize margins in the field of Engineering construction, and effectively reduce the burden on enterprises.

    (4) Strictly crack down on violations of laws and regulations. We will carry out special rectification of the issue of "registration certificate" for professional and technical personnel in the field of Engineering construction, improve the efficiency of supervision through data sharing among departments, and explore the establishment of a long-term mechanism to curb the issue of "registration certificate". We will strictly investigate and punish illegal and irregular acts in the construction market, such as subcontracting and illegal subcontracting, and maintain a high-pressure situation of investigating and punishing illegal and irregular acts. We will further strengthen market and site linkages and increase penalties for enterprises and personnel responsible for quality and safety accidents.

    3. Do a good job of inspecting the "second half of the article" and comprehensively strengthen the Party's political construction

    (1) Implementing the task of Central Inspection and rectification. In-depth study and implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on inspection and poverty alleviation, resolutely accomplishing the first round of inspection and poverty alleviation and fortification of the 19th Central Committee, insisting on the same research, deployment and implementation of inspection and rectification and operational work, and taking inspection and rectification as an opportunity, vigorously promoting construction Industry reform and development.

    (2) Promoting poverty alleviation in the construction industry. We will conduct in-depth investigation and research in designated poverty alleviation counties, listen to opinions and suggestions, understand actual needs, promote the development of construction industry in designated poverty alleviation counties, study and formulate targeted measures for poverty alleviation in construction industry, and actively coordinate the assistance of relevant associations and large construction enterprises to designated poverty alleviation counties.

    (3) Adhere to putting the Party's political construction in the first place. In-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party, education and guidance of Party members and cadres to speak clearly about politics, strengthen the "four consciousness", firm the "four self-confidence" and practice the "two safeguards" have always been in the same position, political direction, political principles and political road. The Party Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, has maintained a high degree of consistency.

    (4) Implementing the political responsibility of administering the Party strictly in an all-round way. Strictly fulfill the main responsibility of building a clean and honest Party conduct, implement the "one post, two responsibilities", strictly implement the eight provisions of the Central Committee and the spirit of its implementation rules, and continuously rectify formalism and bureaucracy. Strengthen anti-corruption education, adhere to the monthly report of Party members'congresses and holidays clean government reminder system, further comb clean government risk points, improve clean government risk prevention and control system.