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    The office of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council printed and distributed the opinions on promoting green development of urban and rural construction

    Time : 2021-10-25

    Urban and rural construction is an important carrier to promote green development and build a beautiful China. In order to promote the green development of urban and rural construction, the general office of the CPC Central Committee and the general office of the State Council recently issued the opinions on promoting the green development of urban and rural construction (hereinafter referred to as the opinions), which requires to implement the objectives and tasks of carbon peak and carbon neutralization, promote urban renewal and rural construction, accelerate the transformation of urban and rural construction mode, and promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, Lay a solid foundation for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

    Opinions put forward, toIn 2025, the green development system, mechanism and policy system for urban and rural construction will be basically established, the green transformation of construction mode will be remarkable, carbon emission reduction will be solidly promoted, the integrity, systematicness and growth of the city will be enhanced, the problem of "urban disease" will be alleviated, the quality of urban and rural ecological environment will be improved, the quality of urban and rural development and the carrying capacity of resources and environment will be significantly improved, and the comprehensive treatment capacity will be significantly improved, Green lifestyle is widely promoted.

    reachBy 2035, urban and rural construction will fully realize green development, the level of carbon emission reduction will be rapidly improved, the quality of cities and villages will be comprehensively improved, the living environment will be better, the governance system and governance capacity in the field of urban and rural construction will be basically modernized, and the goal of building a beautiful China will be basically realized.

    Since the 18th CPC National Congress, China's living environment has been continuously improved and the housing level has been significantly improved. At the same time, there are still problems such as lack of integrity, lack of systematicness, low livability and lack of inclusiveness. The construction mode of large-scale construction, large consumption and large emission has not been fundamentally reversed. In this regard, the opinions put forward clear requirements from four aspects: promoting the integrated development of urban and rural construction, changing the development mode of urban and rural construction, innovating working methods and strengthening organization and implementation.

    Among them, in terms of changing the development mode of urban and rural construction, it is required to implement five specific measures:

    First, build high-quality green buildings. Implement the action of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization in the construction field. Standardize the design, construction, operation and management of green buildings, and encourage the construction of green agricultural houses. We will promote the green transformation of existing buildings and encourage the simultaneous implementation of the transformation of old urban communities, the transformation of dilapidated rural houses and seismic reinforcement. Carry out actions to create green buildings, energy-saving organs, green schools and green hospitals. Strengthen financial, financial, planning, construction and other policy support, promote the large-scale development of high-quality green buildings, vigorously promote ultra-low energy consumption and near zero energy consumption buildings, and develop zero carbon buildings. Implement a unified identification system for green buildings.

    Second, improve the systematization level of urban and rural infrastructure. Establish and improve the filing system of infrastructure, conduct a general survey of existing infrastructure, and make an overall plan for the comprehensive utilization of underground space. We will promote the special actions and systematic construction of urban and rural infrastructure to make up for weaknesses, update and transform, and improve the green, intelligent, coordinated and safe level of infrastructure. We will strengthen the construction of urban neighborhoods with priority to public transport and green travel.


    Fourth, realize green construction in the whole process of project construction. Carry out the creation of green construction demonstration projects, promote green, industrialized, information-based, intensive and industrialized construction methods, strengthen technological innovation and integration, and use new technologies to realize fine design and construction. Vigorously develop prefabricated buildings, focus on promoting the construction of steel structure prefabricated houses, constantly improve the standardization level of components, promote the formation of a complete industrial chain, and promote the coordinated development of intelligent construction and building industrialization. We will improve the product certification system for green building materials, carry out the construction of demonstration projects for the application of green building materials, and encourage the use of comprehensive utilization products. Strengthen the recycling of building materials, promote the reduction of construction waste, strictly control construction dust, and take comprehensive noise reduction measures to control construction noise. We will promote the transformation and upgrading of the traditional construction industry, improve the organization mode of engineering construction, accelerate the implementation of general contracting, promote the whole process engineering consultation, and promote the architect responsibility system of civil construction engineering. Accelerate the reform of project cost. Reform the construction labor employment system, vigorously develop professional operation enterprises, and cultivate a professional, professional and skilled construction industry workforce.

    Fifth, promote the formation of a green lifestyle. Advocate green decoration and encourage the selection of green building materials, furniture and household appliances. Scientifically formulate urban slow traffic system planning, build bicycle lanes and greenways according to local conditions, comprehensively carry out sidewalk purification action, and transform and upgrade pedestrian streets in key cities.

    In terms of promoting the integrated development of urban and rural construction, the opinions requires to promote the green development of regions and urban agglomerations, build a beautiful city with harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and create a beautiful village with green ecology and livability. In addition, to promote the green development of urban and rural construction, we also need to innovate working methods, including coordinating the management of urban and rural planning and construction, establishing an urban physical examination and evaluation system, strengthening scientific and technological innovation, promoting the construction of urban intelligence and promoting the co construction, CO governance and sharing of a better environment.

    (from architecture times)