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    The General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Promoting the Urbanization Construction with County Town as an Important Carrier

    Time : 2022-05-07

    Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 6 Recently, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Promoting the Urbanization Construction with County Town as an Important Carrier, and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to earnestly implement it in light of actual conditions.

    The full text of Opinions on Promoting Urbanization Construction with County Town as an Important Carrier is as follows.

    County town is an important part of China's urban system and a key support for the integrated development of urban and rural areas. It is of great significance to promote the construction of new urbanization and build a new relationship between industry and agriculture. In order to promote the urbanization construction with the county town as an important carrier, the following opinions are put forward.

    1、 General requirements

    (1) Guiding ideology. Enhance the comprehensive carrying capacity of the county seat, improve the quality of the county seat development, better meet the needs of farmers to find jobs and settle down in the county seat and the production and living needs of the county seat residents, and provide strong support for the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand and the coordinated promotion of new urbanization and rural revitalization.

    (2) Job requirements. Conform to the changing trend of population mobility in the county seat, based on the resource and environment carrying capacity, location conditions, industrial foundation and functional positioning, select a number of well conditioned county seats as the key development areas to prevent population loss and blind construction of county seats. Give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, and guide and support various market entities to participate in the construction of county towns; We will give better play to the role of the government, and earnestly perform our responsibilities in formulating planning policies, providing public services, and creating an institutional environment. Take the county as the basic unit to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas, give play to the role of county towns in connecting cities and serving the countryside, enhance the ability to radiate and drive the countryside, promote the extension of county infrastructure and public services to the countryside, and strengthen the cohesion and coordination of the development of county towns and neighboring cities. Overall development and security, strictly implement cultivated land and permanent basic farmland, ecological protection red line, and urban development boundary, keep the historical and cultural roots, prevent large-scale demolition and construction, greed for the big ocean, strictly control the removal of counties to build cities and districts, prevent and control the risk of disasters and accidents, and prevent the risk of local government debt.

    (3) Development goals. By 2025, significant progress will be made in the urbanization construction with the county town as an important carrier, and the weak points of the county town will be further supplemented and strengthened. A number of county towns with good location advantages and industrial foundation, strong resource and environment carrying capacity, and good economic conditions for gathering population will have achieved remarkable results in the construction of the county town, the allocation of public resources will basically match the size of the permanent population, the characteristic advantageous industries will develop and grow, and the municipal facilities will be basically complete, Public services have been comprehensively improved, the living environment has been effectively improved, the comprehensive carrying capacity has been significantly enhanced, the scale of farmers' employment in the county has been expanding, and the quality of life of county residents has been significantly improved. After another period of efforts, we will basically build a modern county town with various characteristics, vitality, and suitability for living and working throughout the country. The development gap with neighboring large and medium-sized cities will be significantly narrowed, and the role of promoting the improvement of the urban system and supporting the integrated development of urban and rural areas will be further demonstrated.

    2、 Scientifically grasp the functional orientation and guide the development direction of county towns by classification

    (4) Accelerate the development of counties around big cities. We will support counties located in urban agglomerations and metropolitan areas to integrate into the construction and development of neighboring big cities, actively undertake the evacuation and transfer of population, industries, functions, especially general manufacturing, regional logistics bases, professional markets, and over concentrated public service resources, strengthen rapid transportation and connectivity, and develop into a satellite county with convenient commuting, complementary functions, and supporting industries with neighboring big cities.

    (5) Actively cultivate professional functional counties. We will support counties with resources, transportation and other advantages to give play to their professional expertise, cultivate and develop distinctive economies and pillar industries, strengthen industrial platform support, improve employment absorption capacity, and develop into counties with advanced manufacturing, commercial circulation, cultural tourism and other professional functions. We will support border counties to improve infrastructure, strengthen public services, border trade and other functions, and improve their ability to gather people and defend and secure borders.

    (6) Reasonably develop the main agricultural production areas and counties. We will promote county towns located in major agricultural production areas to gather and develop rural secondary and tertiary industries, extend the agricultural industry chain, optimize and strengthen the agricultural product processing industry and agricultural productive service industry, absorb more agricultural transfer population in the county, and provide support for effectively serving "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and ensuring food security.

    (7) We will orderly develop key ecological functional areas and counties. We will promote counties located in key ecological functional areas to gradually and orderly undertake the transfer of overloaded population from ecological areas, improve the financial transfer payment system, enhance the supply capacity of public services, develop appropriate industries and clean energy, and provide support for protecting and repairing the ecological environment and building a solid ecological security barrier.

    (8) We will guide the population loss and the transformation and development of counties. In combination with the trend of urban development and change, we will promote population loss counties to strictly control the increase of urban construction land and revitalize the stock, promote the appropriate concentration of population and public service resources, strengthen livelihood security and assistance, orderly guide the transfer of population to adjacent areas with economic development advantages, and support resource exhausted counties to cultivate alternative industries.

    3、 Cultivate and develop characteristic advantageous industries, and steadily expand employment in the county

    (9) Strengthen the county's industrial support capacity. Focus on the development of industries with obvious comparative advantages, strong agricultural and rural capacity, and large employment capacity, plan to cultivate local industries and undertake external industrial transfer, and promote industrial transformation and upgrading. Highlight characteristics and stagger development, and develop general manufacturing industry according to local conditions. With the "grain head and food tail" and "agricultural head and industry tail" as the starting point, cultivate agricultural product processing industry clusters, and develop agricultural productive services such as agricultural material supply, technology integration, warehousing and logistics, and agricultural product marketing. According to the endowment of cultural tourism resources, cultural experience, leisure vacation, featured home stay, health care and elderly care industries are cultivated.

    (10) Improve the function of the industrial platform. Rely on various development zones, industrial agglomeration zones, migrant workers' homecoming entrepreneurship parks and other platforms to guide the concentrated development of county industries. Support eligible counties to build demonstration parks for industrial transformation and upgrading. Allocate public supporting facilities as required, and improve standard plants, general basic manufacturing equipment, common technology R&D instruments and equipment, quality infrastructure, warehousing, distribution and recycling facilities. Encourage industrial parks and enterprises where migrant workers are concentrated to build collective dormitories.

    (11) We will improve the business circulation network. We will develop logistics centers and specialized markets, and create distribution and transit centers for industrial and agricultural products. Special railway lines shall be built as required, and logistics facilities shall be built based on transportation stations. Build a logistics distribution center with the functions of transportation, warehousing, distribution and distribution, develop joint logistics distribution, and encourage social forces to deploy intelligent express boxes. Improve the business conditions such as the trading shed of the farmers' market, improve the cold chain logistics facilities, and build a cold processing center for fresh food for urban consumption.

    (12) We will improve consumer infrastructure. Improve the consumption environment of the county by focusing on the needs of industrial transformation and upgrading and residents' consumption upgrading. We will transform and upgrade department stores, large stores, and characteristic commercial streets, and develop new consumption clusters. We will improve consumer service centers, public transport stations, intelligent guidance systems, and security facilities, configure e-commerce hardware facilities and software systems, and build public spaces for display and trading. We will improve tourist service centers, tourist roads, tourist toilets and other supporting facilities.

    (13) Strengthen vocational skills training. We will conduct large-scale vocational skills training for migrant workers, especially those in need, to improve their skills and stabilize their employability. We should give full play to the role of enterprises, vocational schools and technical schools, focus on new occupations, new types of work and scarce posts, strengthen vocational skills training, and improve the compatibility with market demand. We will promote the joint construction and sharing of public training bases and build an online platform for vocational skills training. Implement the training subsidy policy, and unblock the direct channel of training subsidies to enterprises and trainers.

    4、 Improve the system of municipal facilities and consolidate the basic support for county operation

    (14) Improve municipal transportation facilities. We will improve motorways, non motorways, and sidewalks, and improve supporting traffic management facilities and traffic safety facilities. Build a parking system that focuses on the construction of auxiliary parking lots, supplemented by off road public parking lots and supplemented by on road parking. We will optimize the layout of public charging and changing facilities and accelerate the construction of charging piles. Improve the service functions of highway passenger stations, and strengthen the comprehensive development and utilization of land for highway passenger stations. Build public transport stations and optimize the layout of public transport stations.

    (15) The external connection channel shall be unblocked. Improve the connectivity between the county seat and surrounding large and medium-sized cities, and expand the coverage of trunk railways, expressways, national and provincial trunk highways, etc. We will promote the efficient connection between county municipal roads and trunk roads, and orderly upgrade the transit sections of trunk roads and bottleneck sections in and out of the city. Support counties in need to open intercity buses with surrounding cities, and carry out bus transformation of passenger transport routes. We should guide qualified urban rail transit to extend to surrounding counties.

    (16) We will improve flood control and waterlogging drainage facilities. We should attach equal importance to the prevention of external floods and the control of internal waterlogging, and gradually eliminate areas prone to serious waterlogging and waterlogging. The construction and reconstruction of drainage pipe network and pump station were carried out to repair damaged and functional facilities. Build waterlogging drainage channels, renovate river courses, lakes and ponds, flood drainage ditches, and road side ditches to ensure that they match the drainage capacity of the pipe network. Promote the emission reduction of rainwater sources and enhance the ground water seepage capacity. Improve dike line layout and river bank protection works, reasonably build flood intercepting ditches and other facilities, and reduce the risk of flood flowing into the city.

    (17) We will strengthen our ability to prevent and mitigate disasters. We will improve the disaster monitoring system and raise the level of early warning and forecasting. The geological disasters such as debris flow, collapse, landslide and ground collapse shall be prevented and controlled by means of relocation, avoidance and engineering treatment. We will improve the ability of buildings to resist disasters, and carry out earthquake resistance appraisal and reinforcement of important buildings. We will promote the construction of fire fighting facilities in public buildings that meet the standards, and plan and layout supporting facilities such as fire hydrants, reservoirs, and micro fire stations. Reasonably arrange emergency shelters, and strengthen the emergency shelter function of public buildings such as stadiums and gymnasiums. We will improve backup facilities for urban lifelines such as water supply, power supply, and communications, and strengthen emergency relief and rescue capabilities.

    (18) Strengthen the transformation of aging pipe network. We will comprehensively promote the upgrading and transformation of aging gas pipelines, focusing on the transformation of gas pipelines, gas stations, residential facilities and monitoring facilities that do not meet standards and specifications and have potential safety hazards. The water plant with unstable water quality and the old and damaged water supply pipe network shall be reconstructed. We will promote the renovation of aging heating pipelines and increase the proportion of central heating in counties in northern China. Carry out the upgrading and reconstruction of the power grid, and promote the necessary road power grid and communication grid overhead lines to the ground.

    (19) Promote the transformation of old residential areas. We will accelerate the transformation of residential areas that have been built earlier, are in poor repair and management, have inadequate supporting facilities, and have strong residents' desire to transform, so as to improve the basic living conditions of residents. We will improve the supporting facilities such as the old residential areas and the surrounding water, electricity, gas and heat information, and strengthen the construction and transformation of barrier free facilities. Scientific layout of comprehensive community service facilities, promote the convenient supply of basic public services such as elderly care and childcare. In combination with the reconstruction of old communities, we will promote the reconstruction of old factories, old blocks and villages in cities.

    (20) Promote digital transformation. Build new infrastructure and develop smart counties. We will promote the large-scale deployment of the fifth generation mobile communication network and build a high-speed optical broadband network. We will promote the unified management of county operation through one network, promote the application and intelligent transformation of the Internet of Things such as municipal utilities and buildings, and deploy smart electricity meters and smart water meters and other sensing terminals. We will promote one network for all government services, and provide business, taxation, licenses, administrative licenses and other conveniences. We will promote the sharing of public services through one network, and promote the digitalization of schools, hospitals, libraries and other resources.

    5、 Strengthen the supply of public services and improve the well-being of the people in the county

    (21) We will improve the medical and health system. We will promote the upgrading and transformation of county-level hospitals (including traditional Chinese medicine hospitals), improve the ability to detect, diagnose and treat infectious diseases, and provide intensive care, and build county-level emergency centers relying on county-level hospitals. We will support counties with a population of a certain size to improve county-level hospitals, and promote the attainment of tertiary hospital facilities and service capabilities. We will promote the construction of county-level centers for disease control and prevention, and equip them with equipment for disease surveillance and early warning, laboratory testing, and on-site disposal. We will improve the facilities and equipment of county-level maternal and child health care institutions. We will establish a mechanism to help weak county-level hospitals from the tertiary level hospitals in provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) and cities at or above the prefecture level.

    (22) We will expand the supply of educational resources. We will promote the expansion and expansion of compulsory education schools and improve teaching and living facilities in accordance with school running standards. We will encourage schools at the senior high school level to develop in a diversified way, comprehensively improve the conditions for running ordinary senior high schools at the county level, and basically eliminate the phenomenon of "large class sizes" in ordinary senior high schools. Encourage the development of vocational schools and further promote the integration of industry and education. We will improve the layout of kindergartens, vigorously develop public kindergartens, and guide and support private kindergartens to provide inclusive services. We will implement policies for the enrollment and transfer of migrant workers' children, and ensure that preschool children and students in compulsory education are enrolled.

    (23) We will develop elderly care services. We will improve the service capacity of public elderly care institutions, improve public and private management mechanisms, and provide basic elderly care and long-term care services. We will expand the supply of inclusive elderly care beds, support the development of nursing private elderly care institutions, encourage social forces to build and improve the community home-based elderly care service network, and provide disability care, daytime care, meal, bath, cleaning, medical assistance and other services. We will promote the aging adaptation of public facilities. Develop inclusive childcare services, support social forces to develop comprehensive childcare service institutions and community childcare service facilities, support qualified employers to provide childcare services for employees, and support qualified kindergartens to open child care classes to recruit children aged 2 to 3.

    (24) Optimize cultural and sports facilities. We will improve the functions of public libraries, cultural centers, museums and other venues as needed, develop smart radio and television platforms and financial media centers, and improve the emergency broadcasting system. We will build fitness centers for all, public stadiums, fitness trails, social football venues, and public service facilities for outdoor sports, and accelerate the opening and sharing of school venues. Build sports parks in an orderly manner and create a new carrier for green and convenient residents' fitness.

    (25) We will improve social welfare facilities. We will build specialized rehabilitation, foster care and comprehensive service facilities for the disabled. We will improve child welfare institutions and designated rehabilitation and relief institutions for disabled children, and build juvenile relief and protection institutions and protection workstations. Build relief and management facilities for vagrants and beggars based on existing social welfare facilities. We will build public welfare funeral facilities and renovate old funeral homes.

    6、 Strengthen the protection of history, culture and ecology, and improve the quality of human settlements in the county

    (26) Strengthen the protection and inheritance of historical culture. Inherit and continue the historical context, and enrich the traditional culture. Protect famous historical and cultural cities, towns and historic and cultural blocks, and preserve historical texture, spatial scale and landscape environment. We will strengthen the protection of revolutionary cultural relics, red sites and cultural heritage, and revitalize the use of historical buildings and industrial heritage. Promote the integration of intangible cultural heritage into the construction of the county. Encourage architectural design inheritance and innovation. It is forbidden to demolish the real buildings to build fake ones, and to confuse the real ones with the real ones. It is strictly forbidden to dismantle old buildings at will, move and cut down old trees on a large scale, and to occupy the land in scenic spots.

    (27) Create a blue and green ecological space. We will improve the ecological green space system, build ecological green corridors based on natural bases such as mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grasses, and use surrounding barren hills and slopes and polluted land to carry out land greening, and build street green space, green recreation space, and country parks. Strengthen the restoration of wetland ecology and water environment in rivers, lakes, coastal areas and other areas, and reasonably maintain the density of water network and natural connectivity of water bodies. We will strengthen the control of black and odorous water bodies, ecologically transform the shorelines of rivers and lakes, and restore and enhance the self purification capacity of water bodies.

    (28) Promote low-carbon production and living. We will promote clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient use of energy, guide non fossil energy consumption and the development of distributed energy, and promote rooftop distributed photovoltaic power generation in areas where conditions permit. We will resolutely curb the blind development of "two high" projects and further promote the recycling transformation of industrial parks. We will vigorously develop green buildings, promote prefabricated buildings, energy-efficient doors and windows, green building materials, and green lighting, and comprehensively promote green construction. We will promote the electrification of public transport, logistics, distribution, municipal sanitation and other vehicles. Promote energy-saving, low-carbon and water-saving products and environment-friendly renewable products, and reduce the consumption of disposable consumer goods and packaging materials.

    (29) Improve the garbage collection and treatment system. The domestic waste classification and treatment system shall be built according to local conditions, the collection and transportation vehicles with good sealing and compression shall be equipped to meet the needs of classified cleaning and transportation, the garbage room and transfer station shall be reconstructed, the garbage incineration facilities shall be built to adapt to the amount of cleaning and transportation, and the odor prevention in the whole process shall be done well. Reasonably arrange hazardous waste collection and centralized utilization and disposal facilities. Improve the county level medical waste collection, transportation and disposal system. We will promote the comprehensive utilization of large quantities of solid waste.

    (30) Enhance sewage collection and treatment capacity. Improve the sewage collection pipe network in key areas such as the old city and villages in the city, update and repair the mixed and wrong connection, missing connection, old and damaged pipe network, and promote the transformation of rainwater and sewage diversion. Carry out differential and accurate standard raising for sewage treatment, and expand and transform the existing sewage treatment plant and control the odor. Promote the resource utilization of sewage in water shortage areas and water environment sensitive areas. Promote harmless and resourceful disposal of sludge and gradually reduce the scale of sludge landfill.

    7、 Improve the ability of county towns to radiate and drive rural areas, and promote the connection and complementarity of county and rural functions

    (31) Promote the extension of county infrastructure to rural areas. Promote the extension of municipal water supply, gas supply and heating network to suburban villages and large towns, and promote the integration of urban and rural water supply in areas where conditions permit. We will promote county and rural (household) road connectivity and integration of urban and rural passenger transport. The fifth generation mobile communication network and gigabit optical network will be gradually extended to rural areas based on demand. We will build a sewage and garbage collection and treatment system that takes cities and towns as the center. Build cold chain logistics, e-commerce platforms, and agricultural market networks that connect urban and rural areas, and drive agricultural products into cities and industrial products into villages. Establish a unified urban and rural infrastructure management and protection operation mechanism, and implement management and protection responsibilities.










