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    The General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the Implementation Plan of Rural Construction Action

    Time : 2022-06-02

    Recently, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the Implementation Plan of Rural Construction Action, and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to earnestly implement it in light of actual conditions.

    The Program points out that:

    Strengthen the management of rural planning and construction.Adhere to the county planning and construction, clarify the classification of village layout, and refine the classification standards. Reasonably delimit various space control boundaries, optimize the layout of rural living space, define the scope of rural construction planning according to local conditions, strictly protect agricultural production space and rural ecological space, and firmly hold the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land.It is strictly forbidden to merge villages at will to build large communities or to demolish and build large buildings against the wishes of farmers.

    Implement the project to improve the quality and safety of rural housing.We will promote the renovation of dilapidated buildings for low-income groups in rural areas and other key targets and the earthquake resistant renovation of rural buildings in areas fortified with high earthquake intensity, and gradually establish and improve a long-term mechanism for ensuring housing safety for low-income groups in rural areas. We will strengthen comprehensive control of geological disasters around rural housing.We will thoroughly investigate and rectify the potential safety hazards of rural housing, focusing on self built rural housing for business, and rectify the houses found to have potential safety hazards.

    Optimize the project implementation process.For small village construction projects managed according to fixed assets investment, simple approval shall be implemented according to regulations. For agricultural and rural infrastructure projects implemented in the form of work relief, according to the relevant requirements of the Bidding Law and the simple examination and approval of village construction projects, bidding may not be required.For the projects invested by farmers, direct subsidies, awards instead of subsidies and other ways shall be adopted to promote the construction. For major rural construction projects, the scope and implementation procedures of bidding projects shall be strictly standardized, and no other examination and approval procedures shall be established for investment scale, project cost, preparation of bidding documents, etc. outside of laws and regulations. We will strictly regulate the examination and approval of rural construction land, and resolutely curb the indiscriminate occupation of arable land for housing construction.

    The contents of the Plan are as follows:

    Rural construction is an important task to implement the strategy of rural revitalization, and also an important part of national modernization. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), all regions and departments have conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, focused on the construction of public infrastructure in rural areas, and continued to improve rural production and living conditions. The rural landscape has undergone tremendous changes. At the same time, China's rural infrastructure and public service system are not sound, and there are still some outstanding weaknesses and weak links in some areas, which still lags behind the growing needs of farmers for a better life. This plan is formulated in order to solidly promote the rural construction action and further improve the level of rural livability and employment.

    1、 General requirements

    (1) Guiding ideology. The implementation mechanism of bottom-up, villagers' autonomy and farmers' participation should be established. We should do our best and act according to our ability. We should work hard to make the countryside have better living conditions and build a beautiful countryside suitable for living, working and working.

    (2) Working principles

    ——Respect the law and play steadily. Comply with the law of rural development, reasonably arrange the time sequence of village construction, maintain sufficient historical patience, and build calmly for a long time. We should establish a correct view of political achievements, base the guarantee and improvement of people's livelihood on the basis of sustainable financial resources and farmers' affordability, prevent wind blowing and movement, prevent large-scale financing, demolition and construction, and development beyond the development stage, and firmly hold the bottom line of preventing and resolving debt risks.

    ——Adjust measures to local conditions and provide classified guidance. Rural construction should adapt to the local economic development level, coordinate with the local culture and local customs, combine the actual needs of the farmers, define the goals and tasks by areas and categories, reasonably determine the allocation of public infrastructure and basic public service standards, do not go hand in hand, "cut across the board", and avoid ineffective investment and waste in "hollow villages".

    ——Pay attention to protection and embody characteristics. Inherit and protect traditional village dwellings and excellent local culture, highlight regional and rural characteristics, retain the rural style with local characteristics and local flavor, prevent mechanical copying of urban construction mode, and create a modern version of "Fuchun Mountain Dwelling Map" with different characteristics.

    ——Government guidance and farmers' participation. Give full play to the role of the government in planning guidance, policy support, organizational guarantee, etc., adhere to building for farmers, respect their wishes, safeguard their material interests and democratic rights, rely extensively on farmers, education to guide farmers, and organizations to drive farmers to build, and do not engage in large-scale projects, force orders, or replace farmers' choices.

    ——Equal emphasis on construction and management and long-term operation. Adhere to the principle of building a mechanism first and building projects later, promote the construction and management of rural public infrastructure as a whole, improve the long-term mechanism combining construction, management and use, ensure the long-term stability of rural construction projects, and prevent reconstruction from neglecting management and reconstruction from neglecting use.

    ——Resource conservation and green construction. Establish the concept of green and low-carbon, promote the intensive, economical and circular utilization of resources, promote green planning, green design and green construction, and realize the organic integration of rural construction and natural ecological environment.

    (3) Action objectives.By 2025, substantial progress will be made in rural construction, rural living environment will continue to improve, rural public infrastructure will be extended to villages and households, rural basic public services will be steadily improved, rural spiritual civilization will be significantly strengthened, and farmers' sense of gain, happiness and security will be further enhanced.

    2、 Key tasks

    (四)Strengthen the management of rural planning and construction.Adhere to the county planning and construction, clarify the classification of village layout, and refine the classification standards. Reasonably delimit various space control boundaries, optimize the layout of rural living space, define the scope of rural construction planning according to local conditions, strictly protect agricultural production space and rural ecological space, and firmly hold the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land.It is strictly forbidden to merge villages at will to build large communities or to demolish and build large buildings against the wishes of farmers.Actively and orderly promote village planning. Give full play to the guidance and restraint role of village planning to ensure that all construction is carried out in an orderly manner. We will establish a village planning mechanism under the leadership of government organizations, with villagers playing a leading role and professionals providing technical guidance, so as to jointly build, jointly govern and share a beautiful home.

    (5) Implement the project of unblocked rural roads.Continue to carry out the demonstration and creation of "four good rural roads", and promote rural road construction projects to be more inclined to entering villages and households.Taking the county as the unit, we will accelerate the construction of a convenient and efficient rural highway backbone network, promote the construction of rural external fast backbone highways, strengthen the construction of rural industrial roads, tourism roads, and resource roads, and promote the deep integration and development of rural roads and rural industries.We will promote the construction of hardened roads for natural villages (groups) with large populations, and orderly promote the reconstruction of two lane roads for organic villages, the widening and reconstruction of narrow subgrade and pavement, or the construction of passing lanes. Strengthen the connection between village roads and roads in the village, plan and implement the construction of rural roads through the village as a whole, and give consideration to the functions of main roads in the village. Actively promote the extension of qualified urban public transport lines to surrounding key villages and towns, and orderly implement the transformation of bus passenger transport. Carry out the demonstration of urban and rural transportation integration. We will strengthen the investigation and treatment of potential safety hazards in rural roads and bridges, waterfront and cliff sides, and cut slope fill sections. We will further promote the "life safety protection project" for rural roads. Strengthen the safety supervision of rural passenger transport. Strengthen the construction and management of fire lanes, and promote the construction of fire separation belts and emergency roads in forest and pastoral areas.

    (6) We will strengthen flood and drought prevention and water supply in rural areas.We will strengthen the construction of flood control and drought relief infrastructure, prevent risks such as dam collapse in reservoirs, floods in small and medium-sized rivers, and mountain torrents, give full play to the role of backbone water conservancy projects in disaster prevention and mitigation, and improve the system of drought resistant water source projects. We will steadily transform rural drinking water security into rural water supply security. We will strengthen water source protection and water quality assurance, promote the designation of drinking water source protection zones or protection areas with a population of more than 1000, improve purification and disinfection facilities and equipment for rural water supply projects with a population of more than 1000, and improve the water quality monitoring system. We will implement the construction of large-scale water supply projects and the standardization of small water supply projects, and renovate a number of old water supply projects and pipe networks. In areas where conditions permit, water supply can be extended from urban pipe network to surrounding villages. Water supply can be promoted to households according to local conditions, and the construction of fire water intake facilities can be promoted at the same time. In accordance with the principle of "cost compensation and fair burden", we will improve the formation mechanism of reasonable water prices for rural centralized water supply projects.

    (7) Implement rural clean energy construction projects.Consolidate and improve the level of rural power security, promote the construction of urban and rural distribution networks, and improve the power supply security capacity in remote areas. We will develop clean energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy, geothermal energy and biomass energy, and explore ways to build a multi energy complementary distributed low-carbon integrated energy network in areas where conditions are appropriate. In accordance with the requirements of "building first, then breaking down", "farmers can afford" and "sustainable development", we should steadily and orderly promote clean heating in northern rural areas, strengthen the clean use of coal, promote the replacement of bulk coal, and gradually increase the proportion of clean energy in rural heating.

    (8) Implement the construction project of cold chain logistics facilities for agricultural product storage and freshness preservation.Accelerate the construction of cold chain logistics facilities for agricultural products storage and preservation, and promote low-temperature treatment of fresh agricultural products and post production loss reduction. Relying on family farms, farmers' cooperatives and other agricultural business entities, we will develop cold storage in the production areas, and build ventilated storage, mechanical cold storage, air-conditioned storage, pre cooling and supporting facilities and equipment and other cold storage facilities for agricultural products. We will improve the layout and construction of national backbone cold chain logistics bases and integrate and optimize the stock of cold chain logistics resources for the advantageous agricultural production areas, important distribution centers and major marketing areas. Focusing on serving the distribution of agricultural products in the production area and improving the cold chain logistics network in the sales area, we will promote the construction of the production and marketing cold chain distribution center, strengthen the functional connection and business connection with the national backbone cold chain logistics base, and create a cold chain logistics channel network that effectively connects the production and marketing of agricultural products. Improve the wholesale market of agricultural products. We will implement county-level commercial construction actions, improve the rural commercial system, transform and upgrade county chain supermarkets and logistics distribution centers, support qualified villages and towns to build business centers, develop new rural convenience stores, and expand the coverage of rural e-commerce. We will improve the county and rural three-level logistics distribution system, guide the use of existing facilities in the village, build a village level integrated delivery logistics service station, and develop specialized agricultural product delivery services. Publicize and promote rural logistics service brands, deepen the integrated development of transportation and postal express, and improve the efficiency of rural logistics distribution.

    (9) We will implement the Digital Rural Development Project.We will promote the deep integration of digital technology and rural production and life, and continue to carry out digital rural pilot projects. We will strengthen the construction of rural information infrastructure, deepen the coverage of rural optical fiber networks, mobile communication networks, digital television and the next-generation Internet, and further improve the quality and coverage of rural communication networks. We will accelerate the construction of space-based facilities such as remote sensing satellites for agriculture and rural areas. Establish a big data system for agriculture and rural areas, and promote the construction of big data for the whole industrial chain of important agricultural products. Develop smart agriculture, deeply implement the "Internet+" project of agricultural products going out of villages and into cities and the "business by business" action, and build a smart agricultural meteorological platform. We will promote the digitalization of rural management services, and promote the digitalization management of rural collective economy, collective assets, and rural property rights transfer transactions. We will promote the extension of "Internet Plus" services to rural areas, promote online handling of agricultural related matters, and accelerate the sharing of urban and rural disaster monitoring and early warning information. Deeply implement the "Snow Bright Project". We will deepen the promotion of rural place name information services.

    (10) Implement the improvement project of village level comprehensive service facilities.We will promote "one-stop" convenience services, integrate and utilize existing facilities and sites, improve village level comprehensive service sites, and support Party affairs services, basic public services, and public services to be handled nearby or online. Strengthen the construction of village level comprehensive service facilities, and further improve the coverage of village level comprehensive service facilities. We will strengthen the construction of fitness facilities for all in rural areas. We will promote the integrated planning and construction of public lighting facilities, roads and public places in villages, and strengthen the construction of street lamps on main roads in administrative villages. We will accelerate efforts to improve grass-roots emergency broadcasting systems in old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas, and underdeveloped areas. Construct rural emergency shelters according to local conditions, and carry out barrier free construction and transformation of rural public service facilities.

    (十一)Implement the project to improve the quality and safety of rural housing.We will promote the renovation of dilapidated buildings for low-income groups in rural areas and other key targets and the earthquake resistant renovation of rural buildings in areas fortified with high earthquake intensity, and gradually establish and improve a long-term mechanism for ensuring housing safety for low-income groups in rural areas. We will strengthen comprehensive control of geological disasters around rural housing.We will thoroughly investigate and rectify the potential safety hazards of rural housing, focusing on self built rural housing for business, and rectify the houses found to have potential safety hazards.The newly-built rural houses should avoid the areas prone to natural disasters, conform to the landform, do not cut slopes and fill waste residues at will, do not dig mountains and fill lakes, do not damage the water system, and do not cut down old trees, so as to form a natural, compact and orderly rural house community. Rural housing construction should meet the requirements of quality safety and seismic fortification, and promote the allocation of facilities such as water heating, kitchen and bathroom. Promote new safe and reliable construction methods such as fabricated steel structure and wood bamboo structure according to local conditions. Take the construction of rural houses and supporting facilities as the main body, improve the management system of rural engineering construction projects, establish an integrated management system mechanism from land use, planning, construction to use as a whole at the provincial level, and implement the safety supervision responsibility according to the requirements of "who approves, who supervises". Build a comprehensive information management platform for rural housing, and improve technical standards and specifications for rural housing construction. We will strengthen the protection and utilization of famous historical and cultural towns and villages, traditional villages, and traditional dwellings, and improve their ability to prevent fire, earthquakes, and collapses. We will protect ethnic villages, characteristic dwellings, cultural relics, agricultural relics, and folk customs.

    (12) We will implement the five-year action to improve the rural residential environment.Promote the revolution of rural toilets, accelerate the research and development of applicable technologies and products for sanitary toilets in arid, cold and other regions, select the technical mode of toilet improvement according to local conditions, guide the new household toilets to be basically admitted to hospitals, reasonably plan and layout public toilets, and steadily improve the popularity of sanitary toilets. We will coordinate the improvement of toilets in rural areas and the treatment of domestic sewage and black and odorous water bodies, build sewage treatment facilities according to local conditions, and basically eliminate large areas of black and odorous water bodies in rural areas. We will improve the collection, transportation and disposal system of rural domestic waste, improve county and rural tertiary facilities and services, promote the classified reduction of rural domestic waste and resource based treatment and utilization, and build a number of regional rural organic waste comprehensive treatment and utilization facilities. Strengthen the construction of roads to households, build a basic network to connect villages and households, and steadily solve the problems of muddy roads in the village, inconvenience and insecurity for villagers to travel. We will comprehensively clean up the construction and stacking of buildings without permission, rectify the dilapidated buildings, strengthen the maintenance and sorting of rural power lines, communication lines, and radio and television lines, and rectify rural outdoor advertising. Carry out greening of barren mountains and wastelands according to local conditions, strengthen the construction and restoration of farmland (pasture) protective forests, guide and encourage farmers to carry out greening and beautification of courtyards and villages, and build village micro parks and public green spaces. The pilot project of water system connectivity and water beauty rural construction will be implemented. Strengthen the guidance of village features, and prepare guidelines for improving village features.

    (13) We will implement actions to improve basic public services in rural areas.Give play to the supporting role of urban-rural integration development within the county, strengthen the comprehensive service function of the county, promote the downward shift of service focus and the sinking of resources, adopt fixed facilities, mobile services and other ways to improve the accessibility and convenience of rural residents to enjoy public services. Give priority to planning and continuously improve the basic conditions for running rural compulsory education schools, and support the construction of urban and rural school communities. We will increase the supply of inclusive preschool education resources in rural areas through multiple channels. We will consolidate and improve the level of education popularization in senior high schools, develop agricultural vocational education, build a number of production and education integration bases, and build, renovate, and expand a number of secondary vocational schools. We will strengthen the basic capacity building of rural vocational colleges and further promote the development of continuing education in rural areas. We will reform and improve the rural medical and health system, accelerate the improvement of public health services, and improve public health facilities at the grass-roots level. Support the construction of a close county medical community. Strengthen the construction of facilities and conditions such as fever clinics or clinics in township hospitals, and select and build a number of central health centers. Continuously improve the standardization construction and health management level of village clinics, and promote the construction of village level medical disease control network base. We will implement the treatment of rural doctors, ensure a reasonable income, and improve policies such as training, use, and old-age security. We will improve service facilities for the elderly and the disabled, support the establishment of institutions for the elderly and the disabled in rural areas where conditions permit, build service facilities for the elderly and the disabled and for the protection of minors, and cultivate regional service centers for the elderly and the disabled. We will develop rural welfare homes and other mutual aid elderly care services, and support health centers to use existing resources to provide care services for severely disabled people in rural areas. We will promote the construction and management of public welfare funeral facilities in rural areas. Carry out demonstration construction of county and rural public service integration.

    (14) Strengthen the construction of rural grass-roots organizations.We will strengthen Party building to promote rural revitalization, and give full play to the leading role of rural grass-roots Party organizations and the exemplary vanguard role of Party members. We will vigorously carry out training on the theme of rural revitalization. Select and strengthen the township leadership, especially the Party and government leaders. We will strengthen township work. We will continue to optimize the "two committees" of the village, especially the team of leaders, and promote entrepreneurship in comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. We will make good use of the first secretary and task force stationed in the village, improve the normal working mechanism of stationed in the village, and ensure that all villages that are lifted out of poverty, relocated and resettled for poverty alleviation (communities), villages with heavy tasks of rural revitalization, and weak and lax villages of party organizations will be covered, so as to promote party organizations at all levels to train and train cadres in a planned way through their work in the village. We will increase efforts to recruit Party members among young farmers, especially those who have become rich, and rural migrant workers and businessmen. We will strengthen the overall planning of county level Party committees and the guidance of township and village Party organizations, and promote the development and expansion of village level collective economy. Regularly rectify weak and lax village Party organizations. We will improve the rural governance system under the leadership of the Party organization, promote grid management and services, achieve precision and refinement, and promote the building of a vibrant, harmonious and orderly village under good governance. We will promote a higher level of building a safe and legal countryside, severely crack down on rural pornography, gambling, drug abuse, violations of the personal rights of rural women and children, and other illegal and criminal acts in accordance with the law, so as to effectively maintain the safety and stability of rural society定。





    (十八)Optimize the project implementation process.對(duì)于按照固定資產(chǎn)投資管理的小型村莊建設(shè)項(xiàng)目,按規(guī)定施行簡(jiǎn)易審批。對(duì)于采取以工代賑方式實(shí)施的農(nóng)業(yè)農(nóng)村基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施項(xiàng)目,按照招標(biāo)投標(biāo)法和村莊建設(shè)項(xiàng)目施行簡(jiǎn)易審批的有關(guān)要求,可以不進(jìn)行招標(biāo)。For the projects invested by farmers, direct subsidies, awards instead of subsidies and other ways shall be adopted to promote the construction. For major rural construction projects, the scope and implementation procedures of bidding projects shall be strictly standardized, and no other examination and approval procedures shall be established for investment scale, project cost, preparation of bidding documents, etc. outside of laws and regulations. We will strictly regulate the examination and approval of rural construction land, and resolutely curb the indiscriminate occupation of arable land for housing construction.













