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    New urbanization construction finalizes the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" construction drawing

    Time : 2022-07-14

    On July 12, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" New Urbanization Implementation Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan"), which defined the goals, tasks, policies and measures to promote new urbanization during the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" period, and promoted the continuous improvement of urbanization quality. The Implementation Plan specifies the objectives, tasks and policies and measures in promoting the construction of new cities, improving the level of urban governance, and promoting the integrated development of urban and rural areas.

    In order to promote the effective implementation of the policy guidance of promoting new urbanization during the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" period, the Implementation Plan proposes that by 2025, the urbanization rate of the national permanent population will steadily increase, the urbanization rate of the registered population will significantly increase, and the gap between the urbanization rate of the registered population and the urbanization rate of the permanent population will significantly narrow. The citizenization quality of agricultural transfer population has been significantly improved, and basic urban public services have covered all the non resident population. The strategic pattern of urbanization of "two horizontal and three vertical" has been formed in an all-round way. The capacity of urban agglomeration to support population and economy has been significantly enhanced. Significant progress has been made in the construction of key metropolitan areas. The Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, and Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay Area on the track have been basically completed. The non core functions of the central urban areas of mega cities have been orderly relieved, the functional quality of large and medium-sized cities has been further improved, the development vitality of small cities has been constantly enhanced, and the urbanization construction with counties as an important carrier has made important progress. The capacity of urban sustainable development has been significantly enhanced. Urban development boundaries have been fully delineated. The scale of new construction land has been controlled within 29.5 million mu. Obvious achievements have been made in urban waterlogging control. The aging, upgrading and transformation of urban gas and other pipelines have been further promoted. The efficiency of energy and resource utilization has been greatly improved. Urban black and odorous water bodies have been basically eliminated. The ratio of days with good air quality in cities at prefecture level and above has been increased to 87.5%, The green coverage rate of urban built-up areas exceeded 43%. A systematic, scientific, standardized and effective urban governance system has been basically established, and the governance capacity has been significantly enhanced.

    In terms of promoting the construction of a new type of city, the Implementation Plan clearly states that it is necessary to adhere to the principle of people's construction and people's city for people, comply with the new trend of urban development, accelerate the transformation of the urban development mode, build a livable, resilient, innovative, smart, green and humanistic city, create a space for people's high-quality employment and life, and constantly meet the people's growing needs for a better life. Put forward eight tasks:

    First, increase the supply of inclusive and convenient public services. We will optimize comprehensive community service facilities and create a quarter hour convenient living circle in the city. Second, improve municipal public facilities. Optimize the network layout of bus and subway stations, improve the "last kilometer" public transport network, improve the parking facility system, and promote the construction of underground pipe networks such as water, electricity, heat and information. Third, improve the urban housing system. Adhere to the orientation that houses are for living, not for speculation, and strive to solve the housing problems of qualified new citizens, young people and other groups. Fourth, promote urban renewal and transformation in an orderly manner. Focus on promoting the transformation of "three districts and one village", such as old residential areas, old factory areas, old blocks and villages in the city, in the old urban area. Fifth, we will enhance our ability to prevent and mitigate disasters. We will build a public health prevention, control, and treatment system, intensify efforts to control waterlogging, and promote the renovation of pipe networks and the construction of underground pipe corridors. Sixth, enhance innovation and entrepreneurship capabilities. We will strengthen the innovative functions of national independent innovation demonstration zones, high-tech industrial development zones, and economic and technological development zones, promote the growth, gathering, and functioning of innovative, application-oriented skilled talents, and optimize the business environment. Seventh, promote intelligent transformation. We will promote the universal use of urban data, unified management of urban operation, universal access to government services and universal access to public services. Eighth, we will strengthen ecological restoration and environmental protection. Improve the quality and stability of the ecosystem, actively control water, air, domestic waste, hazardous waste and other pollution, and promote low-carbon production and living. Ninth, promote historical and cultural heritage and cultural city construction. Protect and continue the historical context of the city, and promote the integrated development of culture and tourism.

    In terms of improving the level of urban governance, the Implementation Plan specifies that it is necessary to establish the concept of full cycle management, focus on spatial governance, social governance, administrative management, investment and financing and other fields, and promote scientific, refined and intelligent urban governance. Put forward six tasks:

    First, optimize the urban spatial pattern and architectural style. Delineate and implement cultivated land, permanent basic farmland, ecological protection red line and urban development boundary, optimize urban spatial layout, industrial structure and population size according to water resource carrying capacity, optimize the layout of residential, industrial, commercial, transportation, ecological and other functional spaces, and strengthen the shaping and control of urban landscape. Second, improve the utilization efficiency of construction land. We will link incremental arrangements with the digestion of stock, strictly control the scale of new construction land, and promote the redevelopment of inefficient land. We will promote the transfer reform of "standard land" and promote the rational conversion of land types for different industries. Promote the public transport oriented development (TOD) model and build a station city integration complex. Third, improve the service level of street community governance. Adhere to the overall leadership of the Party on grass-roots governance, improve grid management services, promote community service standardization, strengthen the construction of social work professionals, and improve the coverage of property services. Fourth, improve the comprehensive governance mechanism for social conflicts. Adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, unblock and standardize the channels for the expression of people's demands, the coordination of interests, and the protection of rights and interests, and promote the construction of the social security prevention and control system. Fifth, optimize the allocation of administrative resources and zoning. Scientific allocation and dynamic adjustment of staffing will give priority to meeting staffing needs in social management, public services and other fields. We will strictly control the removal of counties into cities and districts, and improve the standards for setting towns and streets. Sixth, improve the investment and financing mechanism. We will strengthen the dominant position of enterprises as investors, relax and invigorate social investment, optimize the structure of financial capital expenditure, and promote government investment to focus on public areas and public welfare projects that cannot be effectively allocated by the market and need government support and guidance. Guide social funds to participate in urban development, construction and operation. Prevent and defuse urban debt risks.

    In terms of promoting urban-rural integrated development, the Implementation Plan clearly states that it is necessary to improve the urban-rural integrated development system and policy system, adhere to the principle of "industry for agriculture, city for township", take the county as the basic unit, and the national pilot area for urban-rural integrated development as the breakthrough, promote the free flow of urban and rural elements and rational allocation of public resources, and gradually narrow the gap between urban and rural development and the gap between residents' living standards. Seven tasks are proposed:

    First, steadily promote the reform of the rural land system. We will implement the policy of extending the second round of land contracting for another 30 years after its expiration, and improve the system of separating the ownership, contracting rights, and management rights of rural contracted land. Second, expand diversified financing channels for rural construction. Encourage financial institutions at all levels and development oriented policy oriented financial institutions to support integrated urban and rural development, and gradually increase the proportion of local land transfer proceeds used for agriculture and rural areas. The third is to guide urban talents to develop in rural areas. We will promote urban education, culture, health and sports personnel to regularly serve the countryside, and allow rural employment and entrepreneurship personnel to settle down in their places of origin or places of employment and entrepreneurship and enjoy relevant rights and interests according to law. Fourth, promote urban and rural integration planning and design. Plan and build county towns and villages as a whole to realize the connection and complementarity of county and rural functions. Fifth, we will strengthen the supply of basic public services to counties and villages as a whole. We will promote unified planning, construction, and management of urban and rural infrastructure, and expand it to villages and households. Sixth, promote the coordinated development of urban and rural industries. Develop the county economy and build a diversified rural economy based on modern agriculture and supplemented by new rural industries and new forms of business. Seventh, increase farmers' income through multiple channels. We will deepen the reform of the rural collective property rights system, improve the policy of direct subsidies for farmers, and make overall plans to promote the transfer of rural labor and local employment and entrepreneurship.

    In addition, the Implementation Plan also defines safeguards such as strengthening the overall leadership of the Party, strengthening organizational coordination, and strengthening monitoring and evaluation& nbsp;

    (Excerpted from Jianshe Xinwang)